Brokenness :The top 16 ways it may be impacting your Relationship

Brokenness permeates all of our lives on some level, sometimes without us even realizing it. Brokenness is our tendency to drift towards doing the wrong thing. With this understanding, it’s easy to see why marriage can be difficult because it involves two broken people living in close proximity together. However, the more we can identify our brokenness, especially when it gets the best of us, the more humility and reconciliation can infiltrate our marriage. With God’s help, identifying, owning, and improving our broken bent can turn this curse into a blessing for our marriage. Click here to read a new post on the top 16 ways brokenness may be impacting your marriage.

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Dr. Wyatt Fisher is a licensed psychologist in Denver, CO and founder of ChristianCrush, the Colorado Marriage Refresh, and Fisher Christian Counseling Services

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