Courage is developed by embracing our greatest fear & not being deterred by them. You’ve heard the ole saying, “Your Thoughts dictate your Actions”, or “You are What you Think” & don’t forget “As a man Thinketh So is He”, Proverbs 23:7.
We all have encountered a something in our lives where we were challenged in facing a fear that we really did not want to deal with.
Eleanor Roosevelt said:
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror; I can take the next thing that comes along . . . .” you must do the thing you think you cannot do.
That is how things began to change for me. I knew that in seeking my security and strength in the approval of others, I was not being true to myself. Fear of not being liked was making it easy for me to be controlled by people. However, I found the only person that I needed to be controlled by is Christ.
Recently, I was faced with making a life changing decision. The first thought they came to my mind was, What would others think? & or How would they react once the decision was made?
Immediately, I had to catch myself. And remember my thoughts & my decisions are not based on what others think? or How they behave. But they are decided based on my beliefs and my values.
If I can offer a Word of Advice to One who may have problems with making
Life Changing Decisions…
- Gather up all facts, information & history
- Do your Homework
- Don’t decide out of anger, frustration & or bitterness
- Don’t worry about What others might Think or Say (Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion)