It is a Great time to enjoy the weather, hang out with family and friends and get together with long time acquaintances. Simply, having Fun in the Sun!
This summer I have decided to take it easy and not stress about Life! For example, what are the kids going to do this summer? What will be the cost of new home repairs and last but not least what weekend will I have the family over for food, fun & fellowship.
What is Stress? It is the Emotional and Physical way in which we respond to pressure. Some of the symptoms are raised blood pressure or depression.
I have made up in my mind, I love my family and my kids however, to stress doesn’t make it any better, Actually, it makes it worse.
So, before you decide to begin to Stress over the next couple of months, would you please ask yourself? Can I Benefit in Any way? and How Am I Affecting others by being Stressed?
I guarantee you, you will think twice before you allow yourself to Stress. One more thing, Always Remember,
Don’t Focus on How Stressed you Are, Just remind Yourself How Blessed You Are!!