The more I give Thanks, the more reasons I have for being Thankful.
No matter how many things you accumulate here on earth it can never make you truly happy.
There are proven facts having a Thankful attitude can help us in our everyday lives.
Here are three that I have found that stands out for me:
1-Being Thankful reduces stress-It takes our focus off our problems & forces us to think good thoughts.
2-Being Thankful helps us to keep negativity away-When we focus on what we don’t have it leaves room for frustration, anxiety and regret. Being thankful reminds us how bless we really are.
3-Being Thankful sustains our Healthy Relationships-Thankful people draws other positive people. It builds trust and strengthen relationships.
I must say there are many advantages to having a Thankful attitude all year round. Many experts have found by practicing it daily can increase your life span.