Confidence gives you the power to conquer the world. Confidence is usually admired by people and inspire Confidence in others.
A Confident person face their fears head on and tend to be Risk takers. According to the Bible, Hebrews 10:35-36 (msg),
“Do not throw away your confidence, It is still a sure thing. But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so, you will be there for the promised completion.”
Below are 3 tips that you can begin to practice daily to build your Confidence:
1. Stay away from Negativity
Evaluate the people you hang around. Distance yourself from those who put you down and destroy your confidence.
2. Change your Body language & Image
Work on your posture, smiling and eye contact. Smiling will not only make you feel better but will make others feel more comfortable around you.
3. Don’t accept Failure
Never give up! Phillipians 4:19, “You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” Make this your new language! Don’t allow negative thoughts to enter your mind.
Remember, you are becoming what you are rehearsing inside of your head. Reject the negativity with positive affirmation. Take time to sit down and make a list of you accomplishments and be reminded DAILY, Psalm 139:14, you are “FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE”!!