I have had the privilege to live in a household with both parents (mother & father) up until the ripe age of 24 years old. I had recently graduated from college & received a job offer where I would have to work and live in the territory I serviced.
A Blessing in Disguise!!
I had moved away from my parents when I was younger once before for all the wrong reasons which didn’t work out. This time I felt this was the perfect opportunity for me to move into a new season of my life of independence & greater responsibility.
My parents were my Rock. Having both parents alongside me growing up, often times taking them for granted not realizing that one day I would hold the responsibility of taking care of them. The Tables would Turn & It would be a Blessing in Disguise!!
I would be the decision maker (the adult) & my parents would subordinate (the child). My father passed away over 8 years ago. I was considered his favorite being the youngest out of four siblings, a college graduate and an avid outdoorsmen which he enjoyed.
He would always brag to his friends and coworkers. I will always Love my Daddy, and he is greatly missed.
However, I still had Mama. The one who took care of me while I was sick. Mama who made sure we had hot meals on the table each night. Mama who took care of our basic needs and would sacrifice her happiness to make sure we were provided for. Thank God for Mama!!
Now, the Table has turned. The Roles have been Reversed. I am the Caretaker and my responsibility is to care for my Mother to make sure her needs are Met.
Donnie McClurkin said it best, What do you do, When you don’t know what to do?
You just Stand!!
Now, mama has her good days as well as bad days. Some days are better than others. which makes my job that much harder. Wishing that the Good days would far outweigh the bad.
My prayer for this Season in my Life is Lord, Allow me to Give Back all that my Mom has so Bless me with over the Years!! I will Not Complain, Be Angry or Bitter. Because it is Truly A Blessing in Disguise to Be Able to Give Back to Someone who sacrificed for you!!