When the battle is raging and you are surrounded by the enemy it is hard to understand that God is in the midst of it. Going through a trial or heartache can crush you. It can seem unbearable especially when you don’t understand why God would allow this struggle in your life. How can the torment that you are experiencing be part of God’s perfect plan for you? It just doesn’t make sense.
We read in James 1:12, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him”. Each struggle brings an opportunity for God to manifest more of his power in you.. Yet, there are still times when the answer to our prayers for help seems so far away.

The storms of this life can rock your boat but Jesus has promised that you will get to the destination that he planned for you before you were born. When you can trust God despite your broken heart, you defeat the father of lies who wants you to forget that Jesus paid the price for your victory. All the troubles that we must face are obtaining for us an eternal reward that will last forever. You must keep your eyes on Jesus who is able to keep you in his peace even when you don’t understand the purpose for your pain.
There is nothing you are suffering that God didn’t plan in advance to take you through. May it help you to know that there are believers praying for you right now and that God’s love for you will never fail!
Dear Lord, I am praying now for those who are enduring great hardship and pain in their lives. Although they are struggling to stand in their faith, they have become weary and need a touch from you. I pray that you will give them a very real sense of your presence in all that they are going through. I pray that you will fill them with your peace and will open their eyes to know that you are with them despite the fierce storm that is all around them. Help them to continue to walk in trust knowing that you will never fail them and that your divine purpose in their lives cannot be stopped by the enemy of this world. Amen
P.S. Please share this with someone who is experiencing a Life’s Storm!!