Being a mother of three daughters, between the ages of 11 & 25 has it’s challenges. Because of the wide range of ages, I have to remind myself that each one of my girls are different. Their mental & educational abilities are different, their body structure as well as their social capabilities are different.
One thing that I know for sure all 3 of my daughters have in common is Womanhood. One day they will all become women. If I had three lessons that I would like for them to remember it would be:
Lesson #1-It is important to respect your elders.
Many of elders are full of wisdom & knowledge. They have experienced life at your age before and if you listen to them you can take something away from them that would help you in your life process.
Lesson#2-Always Respect Yourself
You are Valuable , You are Important & You are Beautiful!
I will praise You, for I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made(Ps. 139:14). Before you can love anyone else, you must first Love yourself. and if you know how to Love yourself, you will take care of yourself, nurture yourself, encourage yourself and not allow anyone to misuse or abuse yourself. You are not a Mistake or Mishap. You were created for a Purpose. & Life is about Recognizing and accepting that Purpose which is called your Destiny!
Lesson#3-Never Compare Yourself to Others
Mark Twain once said ,”Comparison is the death of Joy”. Never compare yourself to anyone else. We are all different. No one person is alike. If you spend your time comparing yourself to others, you lose focus on what you are called to do here on earth.
In conclusion, we have all made our share of Mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life no matter how old you are. Disappointment, Rejection & Heartache are not Comfortable or Convenient. But what they all tend to have in common is they all Build Character, Integrity & Personality!!
Be Encouraged My Daughter!! God is Not Finished with You Yet!